Kate Greenaway Nursery School and Children's Centre

Hello, and welcome to our blog where you can find out current news about Kate Greenaway Nursery School and Children's Centre. We are one of Islington's Children's Centres. You might also want to visit our website to find more information, or email us if you have a query.

Friday 31 August 2007

Problems with the building works

Unfortunately, building works at KG are running late and so we are not going to be able to start the new term normally. Apologies to all parents and families for the inconvenience this is likely to cause.

We are planning for all children with extended day/year places to start back as planned on Thursday 6th September. Meanwhile, we will be trying to make places available for as many other children as possible and we will be in touch with parents and carers during the week of 3rd September for an update.

The children's areas at Kate Greenaway are planned to reopen in full on Monday 17th September, when all children can come back on roll as normal.

The following letter has gone out to all parents:

Dear parents and carers

I am writing to you because there has unfortunately been a delay in the progress of the building works at Kate Greenaway.

As a result of circumstances which are outside my control, the toilets in the main nursery room are not yet ready for use. Without the toilets we are not able to take your child back into the nursery next week, as planned.

The toilets are now due to be completed by Monday 17th September which is when the nursery will definitely reopen for all children.

I am aware that this is a long delay and I am doing everything I can to make alternative arrangements. If it is possible for your child to return before Monday 18th then I will contact you by phone to let you know.

In the meantime, please accept my apologies for this problem. If you would like to speak to me about it, please phone me on 020 7527 4850 after 9am from Tuesday 5th September. In the meantime, I can assure you that I will do everything I can to make arrangements for you and your child.

Yours sincerely

Julian Grenier