Kate Greenaway Nursery School and Children's Centre

Hello, and welcome to our blog where you can find out current news about Kate Greenaway Nursery School and Children's Centre. We are one of Islington's Children's Centres. You might also want to visit our website to find more information, or email us if you have a query.

Monday 15 December 2008

Kate Greenaway Express 15.12.2008

Monday 15th December, 2008

Dear parents and carers

End of term

Thank you very much to everyone who brought food and helped out at the party on Friday – it felt like a lovely way of getting towards the end of the winter term. If you want to enter the raffle for the big basket of beauty products please buy a ticket off Marie or Luisa.

At the end of this term, we are saying goodbye to four children who are going to primary school – Jacob, Masierullah, George and Louis. I know that all the staff will join me in wishing them well in their move to school: we’ll also miss them and their families (though George’s sister Maggie continues at Kate Greenaway).

The school term ends on Friday 19th December. The last day for children with extended day/year places is Tuesday 23rd December. On behalf of all the staff team and the governing body, I’d like to wish you a good holiday (when it starts…)


Key dates for next term

Monday 5th January Start of term

Monday 19th January Development Morning *

Friday 13th February Staff training: we are closed for all children

Monday 16th- Friday 20th February School Half term

Monday 23rd March Development Morning *

Friday 3rd April Last day of school term

*On Development Mornings, children with core day (termtime) places do not attend in the morning. This enables the staff team to meet and train together. Children with extended day/year places attend as normal with a crèche provision here in the morning.

Monday 8 December 2008

8th December 2008

Dear parents and carers

New Programme of Community Services

The community team have put together a new programme for January 2009. The latest building programme included extending the garden around the community space (or ‘pod’) which means we can now offer stay and play sessions almost everyday that are open to any family with children under five.

We will also offer more Saturday sessions and more ‘specialised’ sessions including classes for adults, activities for young babies, and a new group for children with special educational needs.
You can pick up a new programme from reception or ask Kulwinder, Dawn, Liz, Luisa, Jan or anyone in the community team.


P.S don’t forget on Friday it’s Kate Greenaway’s Christmas Party this week, from 3.30pm-6pm. We hope that as many families as possible can come and have fun together. See you there…

News from the Community Services

Jenny Davis is the Childminding Network Co-ordinator for three Islington Children’s Centres and is based at Kate Greenaway. To join the network a Childminder has to pass a set of quality assurance standards and maintain a high quality of service (in addition to meeting OFSTED requirements). Jenny is available to give advice to families on choosing and finding a local childminder, including network childminders. You can get in touch with her via Luisa in the office or email jenny.davis@islington.gov.uk

News from the nursery
The children have been enjoying celebrating their birthdays in their key groups this term.
We don’t do big whole-nursery parties because they can get overwhelming for the younger children especially. Key group celebrations happen in the children’s special areas; the children share cake and/or fruit.


KG Express 1st December 2008

Sickness at nursery

We are currently experiencing high levels of sickness amongst the children here – and this is reflected across Islington. We are taking a number of steps to reduce the spread of infection in nursery. Please remember that if your child has vomiting or diarrhoea then she or he should not return to nursery for 48 hours. If your child is sick and has to be picked up from nursery, then the First Aider will advise you on the soonest day your child can return.

I understand that it is difficult to juggle family commitments, jobs, deadlines and having a sick child at home.

But the more we can reduce the spread of infection, the less sickness we will have – which will benefit everyone. The nursery school’s policy on winter sickness has been previously given out this term (please ask if you would like another copy). The policy on high temperatures is attached to this newsletter.

Babies and young children at Kate Greenaway with fevers (high temperatures)

Introduction: information from NHS Direct

A normal temperature is between 36-36.8ºC (96.8-98.24ºF). In children, any temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above is considered high and is classed as a fever.

To find out if your child has a fever, a First Aider at Kate Greenaway will use the special ear thermometer.Most fevers are caused by infection or other illness. Fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating natural defence mechanisms. Conditions that can cause fevers are flu, ear infections, roseola (a virus causing a temperature and rash), tonsillitis, kidney or urinary infections, or any of the common childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox and whooping cough.Occasionally, a high temperature can happen if a young child (especially newborn) is overdressed in a hot environment because they can't regulate their own body temperature. Teething may also cause a slight rise in body temperature. Babies and children can sometimes get a fever within 48 hours of being immunised.

Kate Greenaway Policy

If babies and children appear unwell then this is referred to a qualified First Aider. The First Aider will take and record the child’s temperature.

The overall judgement of the First Aider is paramount. If a First Aider judges that a child is too unwell to be in nursery, then the head or person deputising will be informed and parents contacted to pick the child up.

If a child’s temperature is over 38ºC then parents will be contacted and asked to pick the child up. At the time of contact the parent should be informed of the temperature and should be asked for an estimated arrival time at Kate Greenaway.

If the child is unusually sleepy, won't take fluids or has other worrying symptoms, such as an unusual rash, headache, neck stiffness or difficulty breathing, then the parent will be strongly advised to take the child immediately to the GP/seek medical advice. If necessary the First Aider will phone 999 for an ambulance if the parent is not close to the nursery and the child’s state is deteriorating.

Febrile convulsions are fits (seizures) that sometimes happen in children (between 6 months and 6 years) who have high temperature. They can happen as a result of any illness that causes a high temperature, over 39C (102F) and can be worrying because they look similar to an epileptic fit. If the fit goes on for more than 4- 5 minutes, or there is a second fit, the First Aider will call 999 for an ambulance. In all cases, the parent will be strongly advised to take the child to the GP/seek medical advice after a fit.

In all cases, when the parent picks the child up the First Aider should give advice on treatment, seeking medical advice, and whether the child should attend the next day. Children are expected to stay off if advised, unless contrary advice is given by the GP. Calpol can be administered to children if it has been prescribed by a GP.

Children with a low temperature

Sometimes the temperature of babies and young children can drop below the normal range. If a child has a low temperature then:

Wrap the child up with further layers of clothing;

Encourage the child to move around (but not so much as to raise a sweat which will cause the temperature to fall again);

Do not rub or massage the child

The overall judgement of the First Aider is paramount. If a First Aider judges that a child is too unwell to be in nursery, then the head or person deputising will be informed and parents contacted to pick the child up.

News from the Community Services

Dad’s group

Did you know that Dad’s Group runs the first Saturday in every month? The next group is this week, Saturday December 6th, 10am-12. This is a free friendly group open to all Dads and male carers (step dads, uncles, granddads…) and their under fives and offers access to the big nursery garden and loads of fun activities. In the new year we plan to join forces with Bemerton Children’s Centre and offer some free swimming lessons for Dads and babies/children at the Cally Pool, watch this space for more details! (or ask Jan or Dean).


News from Nursery

Handa’s Surprise

We have tickets to see a performance of the wonderful story Handa’s Surprise on Friday afternoon. If you would like to come with your child please meet at the nursery at 1.30pm. There is no cost for the tickets.

Review Day

Please remember to check with your key person about your child’s review.


Sunday 23 November 2008

KG Express 24.11.08

News from the nursery

Dear parents and carers,

Recently the children have been very interested in transport and vehicles. When using the large blocks in the garden the children have been building buses, trains, aeroplanes and superhero cars.

To develop and support this interest we have planned to take the children on short trips out on the bus and to Kings Cross train station to look more closely at the trains. Real life, first hand experiences are very important to a child’s learning and development. By developing children’s interest in buses and trains we are enabling them to become more deeply involved in construction and block play as well as introducing print and numbers in real situations.

If you would like to accompany us on any of these short outings please let your key person know.


News from the Community Services

Cost price art materials!

Young children learn a huge amount by playing with messy and sensory materials like paint and clay but we know that sometimes it can be difficult to offer these activities at home.

To help out, we run a dedicated Art and Messy Play Group at Vittoria Primary School every Tuesday afternoon in term-time (2-3pm). All children under five and their parents and carers are very welcome. From January the group will be running at Kate Greenaway.

For more information please ask Jan or any member of the Community team. We will also offer cost price art materials from our Art Shop at the entrance to Kate Greenaway every Thursday morning, 9 o’clock to midday. The materials we sell are most half the price of what you’d pay at the shops.


Saturday 15 November 2008

KG Express 17.11.2008

Visit from Sir Jim Rose

Thanks to the parents who talked to Sir Jim Rose who came to visit on Wednesday last week. He has been asked by the government to review the Primary School curriculum and he came to Kate Greenaway to find out more about early years. The curriculum your child receives at Primary School will be shaped by the Rose Review, and he was especially interested in our garden and how children learn outside, in play, and in Developmental Movement Play. After leaving he commented: “We came away greatly impressed by the quality of what we saw, especially the responses of the children and their parents to the dedicated staff and highly professional calibre of leadership that were all too evident. Please thank everyone on my behalf.”

News from the Community Services

Have you heard about our new service 'Parents as First Teachers' (PAFT)? If you are pregnant or have a baby or child under three and live locally to Kate Greenaway you can take part in PAFT. A project worker will visit monthly (or more often if you like) and bring a fun activity for you to do with your child/children which is closely matched to their developmental and learning needs. We will also bring along information about local services for families and about common childhood issues such as tantrums or toilet training.

Please ask Jan or Liz to find out more - jan.stillaway@islington.gov.uk or liz.dolan@islington.gov.uk

Monday 10 November 2008

Kate Greenaway Express 10.11.2008

Monday 10th November, 2008
Dear parents and carers,

This is the first issue of KG express, which you can pick up every week from the nursery, or read online at www.kategreenaway.blogspot.com.

Review Day
We are returning to holding a Review Day every term, so you can be sure you get a chance to discuss your child's progress and wellbeing every term. This term's Review Day will be on the 2nd of December. Children with termtime places will have a crèche place that day i.e. your child will come into nursery during the meeting, and will not have their usual place.

What do you think of Kate Greenaway?

We hope that we are always open to feedback - where we do things well, it's good to hear. If we don't do well, we would like to improve. Over the next two weeks we will be distributing our Parent Survey. It’s anonymous, and is analysed by independent staff working for Islington's Children's Services. It really is a chance for you to get your views across. Also, by completing the survey, you will be automatically entered into a raffle with a top prize of £25.

News from the Community Services

We are offering the following NEW services:

Money Matters: starts Tuesday 11th, 1pm-3pm, for 4 weeks with free crèche.

Saturday Dads’ Club: first Saturday morning of the month, 10am-12pm, with brunch and lots of fun things for children to do

and don’t forget that our current programme has something on every day – pick a flyer up from the office


News from the nursery
The children are enjoying using recycled materials to create complex and exciting models, so much so that we have run out of things to use.
Could you please bring us your empty cereal boxes, kitchen roll tubes, yoghurt pots etc so we can continue to be creative.


Friday 18 July 2008

End of term letter (July 2008) and dates for the year ahead

Dear parents and carers

Staffing update

Hayley Just to remind you that Wednesday 23rd July is not only the last day of school term, but also Hayley’s last day with us. Hayley came as a temporary teacher when Sanchia left at the end of December. She has done a fantastic job here at Kate Greenaway, and we would like to wish her well in her new post as a Reception Teacher. Our new assistant head, Michele, starts in September.

Erin, our temporary nursery education worker with the Community Service Team, is also finishing at the end of this term.

Liz I am pleased to tell you that Liz has been appointed as our additional Family Support and Outreach Worker. She will start this in September, and will continue to work full time at Kate Greenaway in her new role. I will let you know who is replacing Liz in the nursery team as soon as possible.

Jan I’m sure you’ll join me in congratulating Jan on achieving the new National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership.

Kate Greenaway Summer Scheme

This year we are putting on a summer scheme for all children up to five years old living in the neighbourhood. We also have an advance notice flyer for our Community Services next term. You are very welcome to use any of our Community Services.

Yours sincerely

Julian Grenier

Dates for 2008-2009

As we are coming near to the end of term, here are the term and closure dates for the year ahead.

Last day of summer term (for children with termtime places)
Wednesday 23rd July

Last day of the extended nursery provision
Friday August 15th

Closure for staff training and development
Monday and Tuesday 1st and 2nd September

First day of winter term (all children)
Wednesday September 3rd 2008

Half term (for children with termtime places)
Monday-Friday 27th-31st October 2008

Last day of winter term (for children with termtime places)
Friday 19th December 2008

Last day of extended nursery
Tuesday 23rd December 2008

First day of spring term (all children)
Monday 5th January 2009

Closure for training and development
Friday 13th January 2009

Half term (for children with termtime places)
Monday-Friday 16th-20th February 2009

End of spring term (for children with termtime places)
Friday 3rd April 2009

Start of summer term (for children with termtime places)
Monday 20th April 2009

Closure for training and development
Thursday and Friday 21st and 22nd May

Half term (for children with termtime places)
Monday-Friday 25th-29th May 2009

Last day of term (for children with termtime places)
Monday 20th July 2009

Last day of extended nursery
Friday August 14th 2009

This list does not include dates for:

Bank holidays
Development mornings
Review Days

We will distribute those dates at the start of next term

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Summer Fun Day

Dear Parents
Our Summer Fun Day – 4 July, 2008, 4-6pm
This is just a quick note to let you know about our Kate Greenaway Annual Summer Fun DAay. This will be in the garden on Friday 4 July from 4-6pm. As well as lovely food there will be face painting and activities for the children, and information stalls. We are having a cake stall (baked by the children) and dairy/gluten free cakes, too. There will also be a massive Jack and the Beanstalk corner and storytelling, and lots more …
We hope you will all come and enjoy yourselves, so if you collect your child early in the afternoon please stay on, and if your child stays on after 3.30 please come early if you can for the barbecue.
We’ve had a couple of offers from parents to run stalls; if you would like to do a stall, or like to help out generally, that would be very welcome. Please speak to Dawn, or to me.
Looking forward to seeing you all on July 4th.
Yours sincerely

Julian Grenier

Thursday 31 January 2008

Letter to parents, 31 January 2008

Dear parents and carers

Ofsted report Our Ofsted report has now been published and you should have a copy. If you have not got it – please ask Marie or Louise. It’s a very positive report that reflects well on the hard work that the staff and the governing body have done to develop high standards of nursery education at Kate Greenaway. As a staff, we continue to feel very fortunate to have such an engaged and committed group of parents. Thank you for all your support.

School travel plan I have tried to speak to as many parents as possible about our School Travel Plan. This piece of work is about finding out how families come to Kate Greenaway, and to look at whether there are any improvements to the local environment that would encourage children and parents to walk, cycle or use public transport to get to the nursery. If you have any ideas about this, I would really like to hear them.

So far 28 parents have answered the survey questions. 19 parents walk all the way from home with their children, 2 children come by bike, 5 by car, and 2 by bus.

Parents have made the following comments about walking/cycling to Kate Greenaway:

· Drivers going along Copenhagen Street need to slow down
· Need and extra Pelican Crossing near the path into York Way Court
· Cyclists go through red lights and cycle too fast near children
· Signs telling drivers to be aware of children on Copenhagen Street and in the estate would help
· There is a lot of dog mess on the pavements which young children can step in
· Walking in would be good for my fitness, but when it’s raining…
· Pavements are uneven and children end up falling over and hurting themselves
· We need more and better bike lanes
· The 274 bus service is not regular enough
· Roadworks mean that pavements are closed off or narrowed down so much you can’t get a buggy through – e.g. on York Way between Kings Cross and Copenhagen Street.

Please let me know your views. When the travel plan is written we will then be asking parents to consider what changes we should ask Transport for London to make. There is funding for this work.

Julian Grenier